
Authentic. Intimate. Unforgettable.

Experience France in a way you never thought possible

Winding Path Tours

What is Winding Path Tours?

We’re a travel service offering small-group immersive tours to France that are ideal for women who:

  • Want an authentic experience in France but don’t speak French
  • Value flexibility and freedom but don’t want to travel solo
  • Enjoy discovering hidden gems and exploring local culture
  • Prefer to focus on the experience and leave the planning to others 

Our 10-day itineraries focus on specific regions of France:  Brittany, Provence, Alsace, and  others. 

Our knowledgeable guide will accompany you throughout your trip so that you can get to know France in an authentic way, connect with the local community, and have a truly unforgettable and meaningful experience.

We go beyond the typical tourist attractions, immersing ourselves in the local culture.  Every tour is designed to showcase the delights of the region, including cultural and historic sites, lively cities, picturesque villages, and sites prized for their natural beauty. 

We can also design a custom tour for your small group based on your interests, such as gardening, art, architecture, reading, or cooking.

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What makes our tours unique?

Our Destinations

We highlight hidden gems and places appreciated by the locals rather than typical tourist destinations. Sites are chosen for their exceptional characteristics, their charm and beauty, and their role in the authentic culture of the region.

Our Guide

Your guide will accompany you, interpret for you, and provide context and insight into the local culture in order to enhance your experience and deepen your understanding of the people you meet and places you go.


Our prices are never inflated by supplements and add-ons. Instead, our all-inclusive price covers single rooms for every traveler, all in-country transport, entry fees to every site we visit, sumptuous meals, and the 24/7 services of your guide.


Traveling in a small group allows us to adjust our schedule as needed, enjoy cozy restaurants and other sites inaccessible to larger groups, and blend into our surroundings instead of remaining outsiders.

Intimate, Authentic Meals

Evening meals are taken together at restaurants renowned for the specialties of the region and provide a time for reflection and shared community around the table.

Ease and Comfort

Our lodging and transport are convenient and comfortable, allowing you to relax, enjoy the scenery, get a good night’s sleep, and make the most of your experience.

A Relaxed Pace

Our days are full but never rushed, leaving ample time to savor the experience, stroll along the beach, window shop along cobblestone streets, take in the scenery, and ogle (or indulge in) delicacies at the local pâtisseries and open-air markets. 

Pre-Travel Guidance

In the months leading up to your tour, we are available to answer all of your questions and will offer guidance on what to expect, tips on packing, reading suggestions, and brief French culture and language tutorials for those who are interested.

Ready to learn more?

Tour options

2023 tours

Everything you need to know to join us in 2023!  Learn more here.

Regional tours

Whether Brittany, Provence or somewhere in between, we can show you what the locals love about the regions they call home.  Learn about plans for future regional tours here.

Custom tours

Gardens or gastronomy?  Castles and kings?  Let us design a tour just for you!  Learn more about what we can do for you here.